IELTS Writing Task 1(Sample Answer)

Your friend from overseas is coming to visit you next month.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

  • tell them what they need to bring

  • tell them what they will be doing during the time they are visiting

  • warn them about some things that might be challenging

Hey Jason,
I am extremely excited that you have finally decided to visit Mumbai next month.
Keep all the information that you have gathered from websites and books about India and especially Mumbai, aside. It is a city that you need to experience firsthand. Since you are arriving in the thick of monsoon, do remember to get a good raincoat and clothes that dry quickly. It rains all the time during these months and it is better to be prepared.
I have prepared an extensive itinerary for your visit that can put the best tour planners to shame. Since you like experimenting with food, I have made a list of the exotic restaurants which we can try out. Apart from this, there are also trips to scenic destinations around Mumbai on the weekends. If you like, we can also visit a Bollywood film set!
The one thing that I want you to be prepared for is the traffic. Unlike Germany, the traffic in India is not precisely coordinated and sometimes the traffic jams can set us back by hours.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Best regards,

Estimated Band Score-6.5

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August 24, 2020
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