Latest IELTS Speaking Topic

 2. Describe a time when someone or something made a lot of noise

You should say:

  • what it is
  • when you do it
  • how you feel when you do this
  • how it helps you


Alright, so I vividly remember this time when there was a lot of noise around due to house construction in my neighborhood. It was a massive project that involved renovating an old building into modern apartments.

The construction work kicked off early in the morning, around 7 am, and continued throughout the day, sometimes even stretching till late in the evening. The noise from the machinery, the constant drilling, and the general noise of construction became a part of our daily routine for several months.

Initially, I have to admit, it was quite bothersome. Waking up to the sounds of heavy machinery and ongoing construction was not the most pleasant experience. It disrupted the usual peace and quiet of the neighborhood, making it hard to concentrate on work or even relax at times.

However, over time, I realized the significance of this project. It was not just about creating a new set of buildings; it was about revitalizing the area, creating new living spaces, and improving the infrastructure. Understanding this broader perspective helped me appreciate the noise and chaos as a temporary inconvenience for a greater cause.
Moreover, witnessing the transformation of an old, dilapidated structure (bad condition) into something modern and functional was fascinating. It taught me the value of hard work, and the incredible effort that goes into construction projects. The noise, in a way, became a reminder of progress and development.

+Ultimately, the construction noise, despite being disturbing initially, helped me develop a sense of patience and understanding. It was a reminder that sometimes, amidst the chaos, something beautiful and meaningful is being created for the community.

Part 3 Noise Follow Up Questions

  1. Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?

Children should not be restricted from making noise entirely. Noise is a natural part of their development, reflecting curiosity and exuberance. While there are situations where quieter behavior is expected, it’s essential to provide environments where children can express themselves freely. Balancing a reasonable level of noise with teaching appropriate behavior helps them understand social norms without stifling their natural energy and enthusiasm.

  1. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

In daily life, various noises are commonplace, ranging from the hum of traffic and urban activity to the sounds of electronic devices, conversations, and household appliances. Additionally, the sounds of nature, like birdsong or rustling leaves, contribute to the auditory landscape. Each type of noise contributes to the multifaceted experience of daily living.

  1. Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

In cities, finding truly quiet places can be challenging due to constant urban activity and traffic. Public spaces, parks, or designated quiet zones may offer some respite, but complete silence is rare. The prevalence of background noise in urban environments underscores the importance of designated quiet areas for relaxation and reflection.

  1. Where can people hear a lot of noise?

People often encounter significant noise levels in bustling urban areas, near transportation hubs, and in commercial districts. Places with dense traffic, construction sites, and crowded public spaces tend to be noisier. Additionally, entertainment venues, airports, and industrial areas are characterized by higher noise levels. Identifying and managing these noisy spaces is crucial for maintaining a balance between urban vibrancy and the need for quiet, peaceful environments.

January 15, 2024
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